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  • Writer's pictureMatt James

How to Avoid HMRC Scams: A Friendly Guide

Today, we’re going to talk about a topic that’s incredibly important, yet often overlooked - HMRC scams. Yes, those pesky, fraudulent attempts to swindle you out of your hard-earned money. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you avoid these scam attempts.

Understanding HMRC Scams

First things first, what exactly is an HMRC scam? Well, it’s a type of fraud where scammers pose as the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the UK’s tax, payments, and customs authority. They might contact you via email, text message, or phone call, claiming you owe tax or are due a refund. Sounds scary, right? But fear not, knowledge is power!

Spotting a Scam

Here are some tell-tale signs that you’re dealing with a scam:

  1. Urgency: Scammers often create a sense of urgency. They want you to act fast, without thinking. If a message pressures you to act immediately, be wary.

  2. Unfamiliar method of payment: HMRC will never ask for payment in gift cards, cryptocurrency, or money transfers.

  3. Request for personal information: Be cautious if you’re asked for personal or financial information. HMRC will never ask for these details via text or email.

What To Do If You Suspect a Scam

If you suspect you’ve been targeted by an HMRC scam, here’s what you should do:

  1. Don’t respond or click on any links: This could lead to more harm, such as malware or further phishing attempts.

  2. Report it: Forward suspicious emails to and texts to 60599. You can also contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 to report the scam.

  3. When in doubt, hang up the phone. You can always call back directly using the official HMRC phone number listed on GOV.UK to verify claims about owing money. The scammer may have "spoofed" an official looking number, so don't trust your caller ID.

  4. Contact HMRC directly: If you’re unsure, contact HMRC directly using the number on their official website.

Staying Safe

Remember, staying safe online is all about being vigilant and informed. Keep your personal information private, be wary of unsolicited communications, and always double-check before taking action. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to avoid HMRC scams.

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